Health Safety Practices
At our office, the health and safety of our patients and staff continue to be our top priorities. While the pandemic is behind us, Dr. Grams and many of her patients are immune compromised and we shall continue to adopt many of the safety precautions established. Dr. Grams will continue to wear a mask and we kindly request that patients wear a mask as well. We will continue to have additional time between patient appointments to eliminate overlap of patients in the waiting area.
If you have an upcoming visit, or are wanting to schedule, and you or a member of your household are experiencing any of the following symptoms, please call the office and reschedule for a later date. It is also our recommendation that you enter a 2-week self-quarantine.
- Fever (+100.4)
- Chills
- Cough (productive or non-productive)
- Bronchitis or Respiratory Infection
- Sore throat
- Shortness of breath and/or trouble breathing
- Persistent pain, pressure or tightness in the chest
- New loss of taste or smell
- Digestive complaints, including vomiting or diarrhea
- Severe fatigue not associated with travel, myalgia and/or arthralgia.
- COVID-19 diagnosis or waiting for test results.
- Please cancel or reschedule your appointment if you or a member of your household wake up with any of the above listed symptoms.
- If at all possible, please shower, dress in clean clothes, avoid makeup and hair products.
- We ask that you wear a mask upon entering the office. If you do not have one, please inform the office and we will provide one.
- Upon entering the office, we encourage you to wash or sanitize your hands.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Together, we can protect the health of our patients, staff, and all those we are in contact with.