What conditions benefit from chiropractic care?

  • relieve low back painGentle Chiropractic Bainbridge Island
  • migraine headaches
  • neck and shoulder pain
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • fibromyalgia
  • infantile colic

Will Chiropractic care help my “Slipped disc”

Discs are fluid-filled cushions that act as shock-absorbers between the bones of the spine. These discs allow the spine to support normal body movement and keep the vertebrae from grinding against each other and causing back pain. As long as the spine is lined up properly, the discs can do their job.

When misalignment occurs due to stress, accident or slight dislocation the “disc” can “bulge” out between the edges of the spinal bones losing it’s cushion and ability to regain more fluid. The result? The vertebrae grind against each other causing severe pain.

In the past, surgery was the answer to reduce the pain. New government health care guidelines do not readily endorse surgery due to the variety of complications that can result from the surgery. Surgery also does not correct the cause of the symptoms.

The more conservative approach, chiropractic care is effective at correcting the spinal misalignments that created the bulging disc in the first place.

Does Chiropractic hurt?

As a rule? No. It can actually be quite pleasant. Chiropractic adjustments do not hurt; however, some patients may experience a minor discomfort during the adjustment, which lasts only seconds, in an effort to correct misalignments  in the spine that cause pain or other symptoms. The discomfort you may have following your first few adjustments can be compared to the soreness you have after a workout at the gym, but without the sweat!

Is Chiropractic safe?
Chiropractic adjustments or manipulations are extremely safe. Doctors of Chiropractic are highly trained professionals with years of experience working on hundreds or thousands of patients.

What kind of education and training do doctors of chiropractic have?
Before entering Chiropractic college, one must complete, at a minimum, a 2 year pre-professional study with many chiropractic colleges and universities requiring a 4 year undergraduate basic science degree. Chiropractors receive a post-graduate education that includes evaluation and care for the entire body with special emphasis on neuromusculo-skeletal diagnosis and treatment. Preparation for the practice of chiropractic is concentrated on three areas of learning:

  • basic training in the biological and health sciences (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, biomechanics, clinical and radiological diagnosis)
  • specialized training in the chiropractic discipline (theoretical studies, practice, specific technique, diagnosis and applications)
  • extensive clinical and practical training with patients.

What can I expect on my first visit?

The first procedure is to take a complete history of your complaints:

  • when did it start,
  • what happened,
  • when does it hurt.

Further information that is gathered will be your family history, dietary habits, previous injuries, your job, and other questions designed to help determine the best course of treatment for you. This intake process  is critical in making a diagnosis.

What is the treatment like?

Bainbridge Island Chiropractor


The Chiropractic “adjustments” are short gentle thrusts delivered to specific areas of the spine or other joints. These adjustments correct misalignments, reduce joint fixations, and improve mobility and flexibility of the spine and relieve pressure on sensitive irritated tissues which in turn helps reduce the pain and other symptoms such as nerve “pinching”.

In addition to the specific chiropractic adjustments, a patient may receive physio-therapy or massage to the affected soft tissues (e.g. muscles, ligaments and/or tendons) in an effort to reduce pain, inflammation and muscle spasm, and also to promote soft tissue healing.

How long will a course of treatment take?

Each patient is different. Depending on the severity and duration of the conditon and its causes, you may be under care for as little as 2 weeks or as long as 3 months or more. It depends on the nature of the condition, your overall health and fitness level, and how you respond to care.